How HouseCook is Keeping Prices Affordable Despite Inflation
As many of you may have already noticed, inflation is currently affecting the global economy and it is making a dent on your wallet. Food prices, in particular, have been rising in the past 2 years, and it can be challenging for businesses like ours that rely on fresh food products to keep their prices affordable for our customers. At HouseCook, we understand the importance of providing high-quality, affordable meals to our clients. Despite double digit increase of food items, we have kept our prices consistent and haven't raised prices.
For reference food prices have increased by more then 10% in 2022 compared to 2021 as per Stats Canada. Consumer food prices are currently at a 41 year high across Canada. And as per latest forecasts, food prices are expected to rise by 5-7% in 2023 placing a bigger burden on consumers across Canada. (https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/62f0014m/62f0014m2022014-eng.htm)
Here's how we have managed to keep our prices the same despite increasing inflation:
Strategic Sourcing: We are constantly looking for ways to source our ingredients strategically to keep our costs low. We work with local suppliers whenever possible and look for the freshest, highest-quality ingredients at the best prices from the Farmers Market to ensure we procure high quality items at a low price right from the source.
Streamlined Processes: We have streamlined our processes to ensure that our services are as efficient as possible. We have invested in newer tools which allows us to increase our output without the need to hire additional kitchen workers. This allows us to minimize waste and reduce costs, which we can then pass on to our customers in the form of affordable pricing.
Bulk Ordering: We order our ingredients in bulk, which allows us to negotiate better prices with our suppliers. This helps us to keep our costs low and provide our clients with affordable services.
Despite the rising costs of food products, we have managed to keep our prices the same, so our clients can continue to enjoy high-quality, affordable meal delivery service. We believe that our commitment to strategic sourcing, streamlined processes and bulk ordering is what sets us apart from our competitors. If you're looking for affordable meal services, contact HouseCook today to learn more about our services.
"We look forward serving you"